- Fixup Renamer constantPool issue
- Fix update checker
- Fix for licenseType
- Dont add stringDecryptor if class has no strings.
- Added Ability to load multiple customTransformer jars, place them into AppData/qProtect/custom/
- Update ObjectWeb ASM to 9.6-SNAPSHOT
- Fix ConnectionCheck false flagging and spamming console
- New recoded ConfigSystem
- New TableSwitch Transformer (Flow)
- Added back defaultStringEncryptor
- Improved CustomTransformer loading
- API: add ability to get bootstrapClassNode from CustomTransformers
- Fix NPE when having shaded libs in CustomTransformer
- Fix renaming of class references in resources when using renamer
- Exclude mcmarket (builtbybit) and pxdev.cc placeholders
- Add InnerClassRemoverTransformer
- Added New Resource Encryption Transformer
- Added exclusions support for Custom Transformers
- New Exclusions system
- Fix LineNumberTransformer NPE in CLI mode
- Fix ClassFolderTransformer not disabling
- Added back ClassFolder Transformer
- Added check for CLI args before running obfuscation to prevent NPEs
- Fix qProtect not exiting in CLI
- Fix qProtect not opening for people in china
- Fix NPE on linux
- Fix update checker
- Fix Dictionary slection not shown
You can now make your own transformers, for instructions please check
GitHub - qTechnologiesV2/CustomTransformerSample: Sample to use with qProtect's custom transformer system
Sample to use with qProtect's custom transformer system - qTechnologiesV2/CustomTransformerSamplegithub.com
- Added custom transformer system
- Added an error message if missing dependencies
- Added back ClassFolderTransformer
- Create a new class if failed to select a random class for bootstrap
- Redone some of the flow obfuscation
- Fixed qProtect not exiting when using CLI
- Fixed NPE when importing pom.xml
- Fixed qProtect not asking for username on first launch
- Fixed BootstrapMethodError when using renamer + reference encryption
- Fixed VerifyError in NumberTransformer
- Fixed a module false flag
- Fixed Crasher creating invalid classnames
- Fixed a minor config issue
- Cleaned up the code alot
qProtect 1.9.1 requires a HardwareID reset
- Treat Excluded classes as resource and dont compute its frames (Fixes verify errors)
- Fix Overwirte config dialog alwqays showing
- Fix FieldReference config setting
- New HWID system (Fixes "sudo" issues on linux)
- Cleaned up code
- Added ClassRenamer (experimental)
- Added MethodRenamer (experimental)
- Added FieldRenamer (experimental)
- Added ConfigTab for easier loading and saving of configs
- Fix DictionaryType changing requiring restarts
- INFO: Some transformers in this beta are broken/bugged, if you want a stable build, please install qProtect v`1.8.1`